The Void is a swirling, angry thing. It exists solely as an in-between, a place that neither is or isn't. It is here the oldest beings reign supreme, the Memori.

Their one, singular goal is the preservation of order in all reality—to this end, they will do whatever must be done, regardless of consequence. Deja Vu stems from their interference—a repeat reality where something fell out of balance, out of favor with them.

Red Letter—named for the curious red envelope that had crushed killer Richard Harrison's soul and transformed him into the most dangerous Memori—is the last of his kind. That is, to say, the last of them that bother to maintain the order as the Creator demanded. All others, including Father himself, fell from grace and sought only to further their own ends.

So Red travels reality and all of its many, many universes, keeping the order intact. He has committed many atrocities to this effect, becoming a bogeyman across all reality—much in the same way his counterpart, The Man In Crimson has become.

( Made with Carrd )